Smash Palace and Geoff Palmer

Smash Palace

Smash Palace “21”

The Butler brothers Stephen and Brian are back for “21” and once again it’s a stellar example of pop musicianship. With the aid of Cliff Hillis (Starbelly), David Uosikkinen (The Hooters), Greg Maragos (Quickstep John), and Wally Smith, they help give the band a fresh, crisp sound.

“Then She Disappeared” opens with tight harmonies and an easy-going chorus with a fantastic baseline leading the way. The mid-tempo rocker “Travel Into Light” brings to mind classic CSN with its memorable hook and soulful guitar break. The songs are allowed to grow organically, so less of the quick three-minute pop gems that the band is famous for, although the layered “Dart in My Heart” with its slide guitar flourishes do just fine. The band still mines from the Beatles/Kinks book of influences as the dream-like “Upside Down World” and “Mr. Maybe” are pure delights. The richer, lush rock sound is part of “Enjoy The View,” a well-written call to seize the day while you can. Overall a highly recommended album by a veteran band that is similar to expensive whiskey. Smooth and satisfying.

Amazon | Kool Kat Musik

Geoff Palmer

Geoff Palmer “Charts & Graphs”

Geoff Palmer (The Connection) continues his evolution after the fantastic Pulling Out All The Stops. The punk-pop of “Many More Drugs” and “Don’t Be” are fun tunes with a wry sense of humor akin to Bowling For Soup or Green Day. Geoff carves out an even better track with “This Monkey,” a catchy gem that seems both pensive and apprehensive simultaneously.  “Tomorrow” is a more reflective tune, that looks back on a wild youth, and it’s another winner.

After a brief respite of mid-tempo rockers, it bounces to the catchy “Jammed Up” which has a terrific harmonic-guitar break midway through. The speedy tempo returns on the foibles of being a musician on “A Hard Day’s Life” which riffs on Dylan lyrically (“The answer ain’t blowin’ in the wind”) and the Western-themed plea “What Would Paul Westerberg Do?” The entire album breezes by and deserves multiple spins to really appreciate. Highly Recommended.

Amazon | Kool Kat Musik

The Poppermost and Ed Ryan

The Poppermost

The Poppermost “Hits to Spare”

Scotland’s own Joe Kane transforms into a “one-man-Beatles” with The Poppermost. Unlike others doing the Beatlesque thing (Johnathan Pushkar or Tommy Sistak) Joe is more about re-creation than emulation. He uses an array of old instruments, microphones, and analog recording techniques to get the sound authentically like 1964-66, and details it down to the echoing studio chatter. It certainly has the energy and innocence of the Cavern-era on “Egg and Chips.” We get some great catchy singles like “Yes, It’s True” and the Ringo-like “One of Those Gerrlss.”

Like The Rutles, Joe will also add a little humor in the lyrics on songs like “Hits To Spare,” and eventually some added Merseybeat influences peek through with “Laziest Fella in The Realm.” However, some tunes are just too close to the inspiration; “Park and Ride” is an obvious remake of “Ticket To Ride.” While that may turn off some, it’s all in good fun and a thoroughly enjoyable listen. Check it out!

Amazon | Kool Kat Musik

Ed Ryan

Ed Ryan “Don’t Follow Where They Lead”

Ed Ryan’s brand of solid power pop is back, and his love of The Kinks is still a primary influence. The opener “Anytown” is wonderfully constructed with excellent guitar and solid jangling rhythms. After this single the album strikes a different tone, an orchestral instrumental leads us to a percussive 80s styled title track.

After this is a song about dating advice “Fish In The Sea” and the handclaps and hooks lead “Biggest Fan” and “Why Doncha Do It.” Musically it’s all great, but Ryan’s vocals don’t always stand out enough. It’s best in the mid-tempo rockers like “Made Me” where he even sounds like an American version of Ray Davies. There is a good mix of power pop and a few other styles here, highlights include “Everyone Wonders” and “Hollow Man.” Repeat plays will yield even more appreciation for Ryan’s songwriting prowess, which gets better with each album. It’s music that deserves to be heard.


Radio Show: Power Popaholic takes over at 11L Radio New York International

It’s a total takeover of the airwaves! Power Popaholic has invaded the studios at 11L Radio New York International and locked out DJ Dave “The Boogieman,” so he could play nearly 3 hours uninterrupted. You can download the show from the 11L server and listen or stream it live Sunday night. Here is the full program:

  • Power Popaholic new picks (30 min)
  • The Beatlesque block (30 min)
  • The Brian Wilson Tribute (30 min)
  • Back to The Future: power-pop from 2014 (30 min)
  • Godley & Creme for 10cc fans (30 min)
  • My favorite Fuzzy Warbles from Andy Partridge (30 min)

Download and Listen

Stream Live on 11L Radio NY International on 8/1/21, 8:00 pm

Sorrows and Lucas Aaron

The Sorrows

Sorrows “Love Too Late …the real album”

Sorrows were formed by guitarist and singer Arthur Alexander in 1977  after the breakup of his influential power pop band The Poppees. With the initial excitement over their debut ‘Teenage Heartbreak‘ (later re-released in 2010 as ‘Bad Times Good Times‘) the band expected to pick up momentum on their sophomore LP.  But working with famed producer Shel Talmy (The Who, The Kinks) proved to be a disaster. After four decades and a protracted legal battle, the original band members Alexander, Joey Cola, and Ricky Street won the right to release their “real” version of ‘Love Too Late.’

With modern mastering, the sound is truly amazing on the opener “Christabelle,” with sharp guitar riffs chopping away. The vocals are wonderfully realized with a perfect pop bounce to each verse. The title track is the party song it deserves to be, with some nice bass and drum work (Thanks Ricky!) It also keeps you on your toes with “Crying Time,” a deceptively charming song with a reggae beat that takes off at the bridge. Each song here resonates, and some epic moments just transcend like “Breaking My Heart (Over You).” Even a simple cover of The Kinks “Tired Of Waiting For You” is made unique through its slow build and strong harmonies. This is a pure lost classic that’s been given new life and should not be missed by power pop fans, young and old. Makes my top ten of 2021 this year! Super duper highly recommended.

Amazon | Big Stir Records

Thanks to Big Stir Records, we have a full documentary about the band and the album.

The Peppermint Kicks

Lucas Aaron “Domino”

California psych-pop musician Luke Aaron delivers a fully fleshed-out debut, that owes much to late ’60s psychedelics and garage rockers. Similar to compatriots Diamond Hands, Lucas takes his love of that style and makes it his own, although it takes a little bit to get used to his nasal vocal performance. Instrumentally, he’s spot on with the opener “8th & Downtown” and “Ghost” recalls early Dylan and the Lemon Pipers. The jangle is heavy on “Tomorrow’s Yesterday” with a rhythm straight outta the Beatles “She’s Got A Ticket Ride.”

All good, but not as big an impression until midway through the LP, Lucas adopts a Lou Reed-like cool on “Hanging Around Again.”  From this point, he’s firing on all cylinders, and gems like “Toy” and the blues-influenced “Walking” are simply great. Lucas also does a Lennonesque turn on the closer “Need Some Love.” Overall a very good debut, especially in the second half. Check it out.

Amazon | Kool Kat Musik