Now the Fest has spread to 2 nights! And an awesome line-up of bands!

Corin Ashley
In days past Corin was a guitarist and songwriter in the Boston power pop band The Pills, now solo has a style that similar to Paul McCartney with big hooks and sprinkles of psychedelia.
What they are saying about the Fest:
“You get these bands that just love, love playing music, and getting them all under one roof is such a great experience to see. Seeing seven or eight pure pop bands together, that’s an experience that you’re almost never going to have.” – fan at Power Popaholic Fest

Chris Richards & The Subtractions
Detroit’s Chris Richards is a singer, guitarist and songwriter who’s been a fixture on the area music scene since the late 1980s, with his band The Subtractions displays the effervescent enthusiasm of a true fan when he talks about the bands he loves — from the Kinks, the Who and Elvis Costello to Sloan, the Posies and Teenage Fanclub. Chris Richards and the Subtractions

Eric Barao
Eric Barao is a singer-songwriter from Massachusetts and a graduate of Berklee College of Music with a degree in songwriting. After playing in the band The Cautions, Eric’s debut full-length album as a solo artist was released on April 2nd 2013, and features guest musicians from the Boston area and beyond.

Paul Bertolino
Paul Bertolino is one of those dreaded record/pop culture geeks. After a 12 year stint as drummer for Phersephone’s Bees, and sevral solo releases, Paul feels today’s youth is primed and ready for Paul Williams/Beach Boys/Beatles/Left Banke-inspired psych pop like never before.

London Egg
If you take The Beatles message of love and spirituality, The Stones sexual bravado, pair that up with The Who’s musical forcefulness and drag it through the streets of New York, that’s pretty much the London Egg story.