Tommy Lorente “Stupefaction”
Oui! Tommy Lorente has really come out strong here, and in his native language has produced a classic power pop album. After Tommy’s first LP, I compared him to Kurt Baker and wondered what direction was next. He has matured nicely. “Poor Tchack Pow” is so catchy you don’t even need to know French to sing along with the chorus. “Arthur” is another terrific gem about a pep talk to the heartbroken title character translated to “Tell me, tell me, tell me Arthur” featuring solid hooks all around.
The bouncy “Le Rêve Américain” (The American Dream) is about pursuing his dream in Memphis strutting like “king,” drinking bourbon and listening to rock and roll. It settles into a nice groove with “Pareil Au Même“ (Same At The Same) with another sing-along chorus. “J’ai Connu Mieux” (I Know Better) is part Bo Diddley and part Paul Collins. Its all compelling, without a note of filler – although with the fast pacing we don’t get a ballad, and that could make all this a little easier to digest. Still, this is a highly recommended LP for any power pop fan. And that says a lot! Et ça en dit beaucoup!

Cooper “ Tiempo, Temperatura, Agitación”
Álex Diez is a veteran pop artist from Madrid, Spain. He played in the mod band Los Flechazos to great success in the 80s and 90s, and after the turn of the century, he formed the indie-pop band, Cooper. His fifth full-length album focuses on meticulously crafted melodies sung in Spanish with layered harmonies and brass. The title “Time, Temperature, Agitation” refers to the old method of developing photographs.
The big highlight is the opener “El Último Tren” (The Last Train) complete with a fuzz riff ending. Next, “Salto” (Jump) reminds me of that old Katrina & The Waves hit “Walking On Sunshine” in tempo and spirit. “Ya Llegó El Verano” (Summer is here) is a naturally sunny melody full of optimism. You can hear the Beatles influence in the guitar playing, and the production is top notch. If you like your power pop with a touch of español, check out Cooper!