Matthew Sweet “Tomorrow’s Daughter”
The classic Matthew Sweet style of pop gems continue, as these songs were written during the sessions from last year’s Tomorrow Forever. Sweet has the same team helping out on his 13th release, with Debbi Peterson (Bangles), Ric Menck, Paul Chastain (Velvet Crush) and John Moreman (The Orange Peels). The openers “Belong To You” and “Run Away” recall the Girlfriend era and these memorable melodies are sure to please longtime fans.
“Lady Frankenstein” churns along, along with its fuzzy guitar rhythm, and “Out of My Misery” keeps those hooks coming. Like the previous LP, nothing here breaks from the conventional, nor does Matthew visit the textured experimentations of Modern Art. But that’s okay because you get a solid group of songs that fit perfectly into Sweet’s impressive discography.”Now Was The Future,” speaks to Matt’s state of prolific status, “Maybe ’cause I was born here, I’m also harder to kill…” Other highlights include “Ever After” and “Passerby.” Highly Recommended.

Cut Worms “Hollow Ground”
Power pop often is referred to as music that worships the relics of the 60’s classic rock era. With that caveat, Max Clarke eagerly wears these pop influences on his sleeves. Clarke recreates the sound of The Everly Brothers perfectly on Hollow Ground. It’s a fine balance of authenticly produced sound and original songwriting.
“How Can It Be” has those steel pedal lap notes and precise harmonies that make it irresistible. “Don’t Want To Say Goodbye” has a twang and jangle melody and the sweetness of “Til Tomorrow Goes Away” displays a catchy casual bounce. The country blues of “Think I Might Be In Love” and doo-wop rhythm of “Cash For Gold” are also memorable highlights. Fans of retro-pop rejoice, this one is highly recommended.