Halloween Hoedown: The Seven and Six, Amplifier Heads, Dolph Chaney, It’s Karma It’s Cool, Vegas With Randolph, The Fatal Flaw

It’s that time of year again. Some stuff has the fun spooky theme, others not so much. The Seven and Six start us off; Lisa Mychols, Tom Richards, and Mike John Altier give us a cool surf-rock instrumental. Sal Baglio’s newest Amplifier Heads EP Rectifier is so heavy it’s good.  Sal growls out “The Man Who Invented Rock and Roll,” channels Mick Jagger on “Maniaxe” and the wild “Rock Rules.” The holiday-themed ballad “Zombie Moon” is a real keeper as well, so pick up this treat. Dolph Chaney’s novelty “This Halloween” is goofy, but tragic fun and It’s Karma It’s Cool dazzles with “Old Bones” rich guitar chorus. Vegas With Randolph brings the catchy lovelorn theme “Don’t Stop Your Love” loaded with sax, handclaps, and guitars, and it’s another chewy treat. Finally, a new Kinks Tribute is taking shape, and I really liked the opener, a cover of “Victoria” by The Fatal Flaw.