Singles Mostly: The Lunar Laugh, Willie Wisely, Air For Ants, Vegas For Randolph, The Dig

The Lunar Laugh (aka Jared Lekites and friends) dedicated this single to the memories of Pat DiNizio and Tom Petty. A great catchy chorus with a sweet slide guitar riff! Pure bliss.

Willie Wisely delivers a live studio session recorded live in a Laurel Canyon, with Dan Kalisher (guitar/pedal steel), Erik Kertes (bass), Mark Stepro (drums) and Ryan Perez-Daple (sax).

Air For Ants is a New York City indie rock band with ambient pop and jazz elements. Proof that some experimental pop can be damn catchy and full of pent-up emotion.

Vegas With Randolph‘s new LP Legs & Luggage is due out any day now — this is the awesome opening track. Plenty of fuzzy riffs you can dance to!

The Dig is another NYC indie-pop outfit with a two EPs out for 2018; Moonlight Baby & Afternoon With Caroline. A little synth and harmonies never hurt anyone right? They remind me of Sparks a little. Here is a track from them.