Fresh sounds: Joe Dilillo, The Fatal Flaw, Lolas, The Hutchinsons, The Jaws of Brooklyn, The Candy Whips, Curling

Joe Dilillo gives us “Who We Are Now” boasts some strong songwriting, a good “end-of-September” song. The Fatal Flaw has a classic power pop sound, and this excellent single is a freebie, so don’t be shy. Tim Boykin’s band The Lolas continue to put out great music, he’s been so good for so long I take for granted singles like “From the Start.” The Hutchinsons were a great power pop duo in the 90s, and they’re re-mastered now, so check ‘em out. The Jaws of Brooklyn are really from the other side of the country (Seattle, WA) but the soulful pop is top notch. If you crave something 80s-like, listen to The Candy Whips “TV Set” very much in the Devo-esque category. Finally Curling brings melodic noise pop with lots of depth on “Radio King.” The leaves are changing, so change your playlist to a few of these artists, OK?