New Jersey band Kanak, produced by the legendary Ed Stasium (The Ramones, Talking Heads, Motörhead) made a good impression – and their new EP is out next week. One of the best EPs I’ve heard is The Second Summer, with each song a winner from their debut undertow. Fans of The Posies and Teenage Fanclub will love this highly recommended EP. Round Corners is Greek artist Elias Papastamatiou with a slick 70s-styled pop on “How Do You Do?” Japanese band Nerd Magnet attracted me to their new single “Take A Walk.” Native New Yorker Tony Low returns with an EP of Covid-inspired songs (that was a while ago, right)? Finally, New York City’s Big City has a terrific alt-rock swagger and cool on “Full Service” a very Thin Lizzy-inspired band.